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Showing posts from June, 2007 Watch it. It's a MadTV skit about a spoof of an actual MTV called Trapped in the Closet by R Kelly. However in this spoof, the song is renamed Trapped in the Cupboard. One of the best madtv skits. Watch it! Anyway, the first week of the new term is down. I had many new teachers and the history teacher's voice is like cannot make it. Her voice is like on the constant verge of breakdown and she could zao-xia anytime. Then I got ticked off for laughing at her...zzz...not my fault if she zao-xias anyway. Yesterday, Xavier did a stupid stunt with Lik Zhing and Lik Zhing was swinging Xavier with his feet then when he let go, Xavier couldn't maintain his composure and just fell to the ground, writhing in pain.(=_=) He hurt his head and his back and we heard the "BOOM" sound, so it was pretty painful. He said he couldn't move but after we prompted him, he was suddenly back to normal again LOL. Hope he recovers soon..or maybe not
Hie everyone the new school term has reopened and it sucks. It's like being dragged back to hell after a month's vacation in paradise. Anyway, my computer is getting weaker and lousier with every passing day. It is able to take less of games and it flicks sooner than ever. Therefore, I decided to play games while I still can hah. Here's some audition pics My level 21 licence yarrh! I got lucky with this score cause I chained 2 x6s. How many times do I do that? Answer is 0. This was the only time. =P GameMaster came to play in a room with me inside wee He's getting owned and he's last He left the game before it ended zzz. Anyway, ya..i lost and got second zz. By the way, since the new school term, new games were invented like the Reverse the Word game and there's this new game that the pitch just keeps increasing and always zaoxia in the end LOL. K thats all for today I hope that I can do well for the A Maths test XD.
Tomorrow is school day! I'm already looking forward to Youth Day as it's the next public holiday. Also looking forward to Live Earth it's gonna be wild and rocky!!! I hate school. I hate getting up early in the morning (even though I always do it) and I hate homework. I rather be a slump at home. Here's a recap of my major events this June (in chronological order) Embarked on camp wee~ Played a lot of arcade MAME roms Krishnan remedials Blogged a lot about broad subjects like deja vu and CES(critically endangered species) More Krishnan remedials No longer campwhore Became a Lvl21 Clubber in Audition Even more Krishnan remedials Youtube marathon Other subject remedials + Krishnan remedials Went for redrain concert HCLFM, DCTTTTT Free from Krishnan remedials Trained 70% in MapleStory without the the help of 2x Computer suffered from MSN and monitor problems(and still ongoing) Doing homework ...and Krishnan's homework That marks the end of my holidays. Gone in a flash!
Hi everyone back from a pretty long computer break, considering this is the holiday period. Only 2 more days left and my computer is starting to fail me. The MSN is experiencing weird problems and my monitor screen keeps flicking. It's so irritating. At least it got me to do a little of my homework. Just a little. Therefore youll see me on my labtop more and more often. Anyways, went to Brian's house today for a SS project. In the end, we took longer than usual cause Brian couldn't control himself from playing games, then Lik Zhing, Lionel and I were so bored we even played wrestling. And Brian has this really cute dog. Somehow, we were intimidated by it for various reasons. The puppy was very friendly, it kept trying to pounce on us hahaha and kept trying to stand up on 2 feet. Everytime when we were playing wrestling, when Lik Zhing got into a vulnerable position, the dog would rush into the room and try and ambush us and jump on our bodies. LOL The dog even bit Lionel
Haiz today's been a bad day...I'm posting from my labtop again cause my computer is going kuku. The monitor's not working and no gaming for me today. The school holidays are almost ending so I guess I better start working on my homework XD. Only 3 more days to the end of holidays XD!!!
Hihi everyone holidays are almost ending and I still can't be bothered about my homework. I would rather slack then do my homework. Anyway, I changed my blog music to Maroon 5's Makes Me Wonder. Here's the lyrics. I wake up with blood-shot eyes Struggled to memorize The way it felt between your thighs Pleasure that made you cry Feels so good to be bad Not worth the aftermath, after that After that Try to get you back I still don’t have the reason And you don’t have the time And it really makes me wonder If I ever gave a fuck about you Give me something to believe in Cause I don’t believe in you anymore Anymore I wonder if it even makes a difference to try (Yeah) So this is goodbye Goddamn my spinning head Decisions that made my bed Now I must lay in it And deal with things I left unsaid I want to dive into you Forget what you’re going through I get behind, make your move Forget about the truth I still don’t have the reason And you don’t have the time And it really makes me
Today went for the redrain concert thingy. It was definitely not a deja vu of camp. But it was okay. It rocks literally. The songs don't really rock, when I say it rocks I mean the place rocks cause everybody is jumping and its like an epicentre in the staidum. My favourite part of the concert is the last part. Go figure. It's not what you're thiking. It's not the finale thats my favourite part. Think 'after finale'. Ehehe okay la so then before going for the concert ate at pizza hut and until now I'm still full. Felt a bit nauseous at afternoon cause of the pizza but recovered soon. I have to thank sweets, they make me feel good. YEA! The concert was like erm trying to convert people into Christians lol. Telling us about making a personal relationship with god blablabla..zzz. Then there were these 3 boys in front of me and Lik Zhing that kept turning back to look at us whenever we did something like screaming. So we got so pissed off we decided to diao them
Hi everyone! This post marks the 80th post of my blog! So happy, this actually means that I only update my blog 80 times. Recently, I've been audi-ing a lot and I have no idea why. Maybe because maple is boring, hamachi is not working for dota and I have no interest in other games which have not been mentioned. ANYWAY, I finally saw my instructor online today! LOL as in my camp instructor. Who would've thought camp instructors sat in front of computers chatting with students online on MSN? Chatted about lots of lame stuff, I never knew camp instructors had a life outside camp. Joking. Anyway, I'm finally an amateur in audition! The licence was so freaking hard, luckily I chained 2 x6s to complete the licence. It's my best score for a licence yet ^_^ so happy! Watch it. My friend sent me the link. It's some freakish 24 minute long video. But its pretty worth it. It's about this guy who tries to play the hardest levels of Mario, but eventually he gives up at World 1-2, which is only one map from the start. But he's a pro at the mario game. Watch it. Anyway, watched Campus Superstar some days ago. I have somethings to talk about the show. There was this contestant who just finished his song and one of the judges gave him a comment about the way he held the mike and taught him how to hold it correctly. Shortly after that when he said okay he was holding the mike the wrong way again LOL. Then there was the host who kept zao-xiaing so many times on the show I couldn't help but kept laughing. LOL..bored. And the countdown begins - 12 more days of holiday T.T
Hi everyone today's post will be fairly short. I realised that I cannot blog everyday, not because I am inactive, but because for everyday I choose to blog, I will have less to blog about the next other day. And Im a slacker, which means that there are days which I do not even step out of my house. Like today. In the blink of an eye, 2 weeks have passed. Just when I am finally able to sleep well and long, the holidays are approaching an end. Recently, I've been experiencing déjà vu so often that sometimes it freaks me out. I did a little wiki research and heres what I found The term "déjà vu" (French for "already seen", also called paramnesia from the Greek word para (παρα) for parallel and mnimi (μνήμη) for memory) describes the experience of feeling that one has witnessed or experienced a new situation previously. The experience of déjà vu is usually accompanied by a compelling sense of familiarity, and also a sense of "eeriness", "strangene
A few days ago, I went to mingle around with my arcade games. I played Marvel vs Street Fighter and I managed to complete the game. After defeating Apocalypse, you have to fight Cyber Akuma, which is 26x easier than Onslaught from Marvel vs Capcom. There is also an epilogue at the end of the game which talks about the marvel or capcom hero you used to defeat the cyber akuma. I'm going to post some screenshots here. Apocalypse got pwned lol look at my life Cyber Akuma..ooh Yay win! I'll be hoping to kick his ass again lol. Anyway, my hamachi can't seem to work. Is anyone experiencing the same problem as me? It stinks, I can't dota. And there's absolutely nothing for me to do while I'm gunzing. DIAO. =_=
Hi everyone as I did not post yesterday's bloggings I shall do so today. Yesterday Lionel and Lik Zhing came to my house and we had some fun playing with some arcade games and then we played this really fun game called Highway Pursuit. The high score set up by my brother was extremely high, but then we found a cheat method and broke his high score. There was remedial yesterday, 4 periods of english and 5 periods of maths. I didn't stay for the maths cause I didn't want to. I also changed some stuff around the blog. Some people have mentioned that I change my blog stuff too little, so from now onwards I shall make it a habit to change my blog music weekly or fortnightly at least. The song playing now is something that everyone should know but nevertheless I have to put the lyrics. It is only viewable on Unicode(UTF-8). 专属天使 我不会怪你对我的伪装 天使在人间是该藏好翅膀 人们愚蠢鲁莽而你纤细善良 怎能让你为了我被碰伤 小小的手掌厚厚的温暖 你总能平复我不安的夜晚 不敢想的梦想透过你的眼光 我才看见它原来在前方 没有谁能把你抢离我身旁 你是我的专属天使 唯我能独占 没有谁能取代你在我心上 拥有一个专属天使 我哪里还需要别的愿望
Hi everyone today I'm going to talk about a very new issue I have never discussed recently. I watched this Planet Earth commercial on TV(its a documentary on arts central about animals), then they were saying about a critically endangered species of animal, the Amur Leopard. The reason why I'm posting this is because I was extremely shocked at the numbers left. Forty. Only forty left and the numbers are still dropping. I went to Wikipedia to do a little research and here's a little of what I've found. The Amur Leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis or Panthera pardus amurensis) is the rarest and northernmost subspecies of leopard. Here's a picture Courtesy of Wikipedia It is extremely close to extinction with only 25 to 34 individuals remaining in the wild (only 6 of these are female), while it is estimated that at least 100 are needed if the species is to avoid extinction. Habitat destruction and the fur trade have diminished its numbers dramatically, and has resulted
Yo Im here to blog again haas! Recently I've been quite away from computer. I'm actually doing stuff I haven't done in ages like reading books avidly, and erm..never mind forget it. I guessed my first week of holidays is summed up with slacking. Listening to music and watching television shows sure sounds very shack. What to do? Nothing, literally . But some advertisements did catch my eye. There was this Gatsby Moving Rubber commercial that was super funny. This guy, Takuya Kimura is spinning around with his hair flying like rubber and at the end his face is getting played around like rubber too. The verdict: 3/5 stars The link is here Then, there is also this Heaven and Earth advertisement that really rocks too. I totally like it cause it's so damn funny. It's about this Godzilla thingy wreaking havoc in a city, then a Heaven and Earth vending machine catches his eye and he decides to have a drink. After taking the drink