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Showing posts from January, 2007
Hi everyone sorry for the late update. I know that everyone is eagerly awaiting the porn but it cannot be revealed because my image host, Photobucket is down. I will try to get it up asap sorry for the late update but it WILL be posted by Sunday. UPDATED AS OF 27/1/07 1510HRS The image host is up! Get ready for some hardcore porn cause here it comes It is a comic LOL f3 But before you start complaining, enjoy the comic ^_^ Notice how Lite is F7ing Still F7ing LMFAO...the end. But wait!!!! Here's a side note~ Do you believe him? Do you really think I can force him? Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed the "porn" HAHAHA. Thought of the Day IS STILL A SECRET f3
As a result of poor viewership rates according to counters, GazerKnight Ms Blog has decided to unleash HAVOK!! I mean, I am going to do a popularity stun. Yes people, for ONE DAY ONLY , I am going to release porn..YES PORN on the blog for all to see...and gore =.= The reason why it can only be posted for one day is because I have to remove it before getting tracked. It will be released this Saturday for all to see at approx 12noon-5pm. Keep your eyes peeled. We expect the blog viewership rates to rocket up because of the porn. Remember, this is a one-time only stun and any material found in this blog is copyrighted material and all rights are reserved to me. Note: It's gonna be some hot stuff on stay tuned. THE SAGA TO BE CONTINUED... Thought of the Day is a secret is celebrate!!! Because this is the first ever time that I am actually POSTING FROM SCHOOL WOOO! Anyways, school still sucks, and we still have a lot of homework. I got caught by the discipline master 3 days ago for having long hair, and now my hair sux cause he cut it. But don't worry, cause it doesnt look like this Don't ask me where I got the image, I just yahooed and found it =P And there's nothing else to post...cause I'm ultimately in school which isn't a good place to post...which means ta-ta for now =P Thought of the Day: If Warcraft is the most popular game in Singapore, with over 2 million copies sold(according to the news), then why do so many people still need the CD for burning it using Alcohol 120% and using no-cd patch? (I know...its a big thought =.=)
Stress feels like flour in a balloon. ~By someone who probably knows how saddistic stress can be Talking about stress, I'm so damn fed up with my STUPID english teacher Mr Krishnan. He gives homework like nobody's business and it's the most I ever seen from a teacher so far. Try this: 2 newspaper articles, 250 words ea.- (Still okay) 2 journal entries with topics selected by teacher, 350 word ea...(What the f*CK) Finding out the meaning of 200 selected words by looking in the dictionary..( okay, that's IT! ) Let's run through the list again. 2 newspaper articles? 1½hrs . 2 journal entries? 2 hrs . Finding out the meaning of 200 selected words by looking in the dictionary? Timeless . There are some things time can't get you. For everything else, you can go for the bloody hell detention by Mr Krishnan...and STILL HAVE TO COMPLETE THE WORK =.=. And here's the proof And the worst thing is this is not even 30 words. What do I do in the end? I decide...not to co
Hihi everybody its time for mi to blog again...wun be half as active as last time cause school's I'll try to update once in a while. I'm finally sick of maple and I'm now back to being a dota addict. Anyways, removed the popup stuff cause it makes everyone lag LOL...yea that's about it for now..really busy gotta do homework. Thought of the Day: If one day I get sick of Maple, DotA and Audition altogether what should I play o.O
Remember how I walked away, On tiny feet, my first school day? With tiny hands I waved goodbye, And I saw the tear in the corner of your eye. But you were brave and so was I. We both tried hard not to cry. ~Anonymous Haiz...with the new 2007 year...we flick another page into Dream Gazer's 2007 life. And with the new year, school is back! Well, school might have been fun, but the fact that I landed in different classes with most of my friends is just damned . Anyways, fixed up some glitches in the blog and here are the updates in a wrapup. Updates Changed the funny words that follow your cursor when it moves into a different text. Changed the profile on my blog a little(Thanks to Shengz for informing me) Changed the song on the blog which I remixed...its Jay Chou's 听妈妈的话 in a version I call Dream Gazer's Spiff Version. Note Please remember to change your language or you won't be able to view the chinese characters. To change the language, click on View>Encoding>Uni