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Showing posts from December, 2007
Hihi everybody I finally update this dead blog after so long..haha. So many things I could have blogged about but since I'm so lazy, I shall not blog much about them. Yea for those who haven't known, I 4th-jobbed already le. I reached my ultimate goal in maple so I'm going to quit it now before it ruins me further. I bought my second prepaid card in maple..OMG why was I so stupid??? I bought it cause I blew it on 24 hr 2x while chionging my priest character, who is now a bishop. I also went to Taiwan for a 8-day 7 WHOOPING nights tour(as quoted from Shengz). It was a memorable journey for sure, but I wouldn't say it was very fun cause there were many times when we just went to look at lame stuff like mountains and more mountains. Then we got to look at trees, rocks..blablabla stuff. The tour guide kept talking about Taiwan history and I find it extremely boring. Besides that there is a lot of food to eat and although most people couldn't get to used to it, I was a